Maíz – Peruvian cotton


Talla Standard

Piezas de arte creadas de manera única. Son usados de diversas maneras producidos y estampados a mano por la artista peruana Olga Engelmann. Dibujos estampados de manera manual. Olga utiliza pigmentos no tóxicos. Impresión artesanal sobre tejido 100%. algodón peruano.

Standard Size

Uniquely created pieces of art. They are used in various ways produced and hand-printed by Peruvian artist Olga Engelmann. Manually stamped drawings. Olga uses non-toxic pigments. Handmade printing on 100% fabric. Peruvian cotton.

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    Tu Carrito
    Crop Maíz - Peruvian cotton
    1 X $75.00 = $75.00
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